Book Nerd. Superhero Enthusiast. Science Geek. Space Junky. Full-Time Whovian. Harry Potter Generation. Fangirl Extraordinaire. This is me and I believe that there should be no empty shelves.
Each book in this series just keeps getting better and better! When I finished Scarlet last year, all I could think about was that a year was a long time to wait for Cress. I can now officially say that the year long wait was totally worth it! This book was mindbogglingly awesome! I loved it! Like I want to start it over and read it again, loved it.
The characters are amazing, both new and old. Why hello again, Captain Thorne! I love you even more than I did in Scarlet. The character development in this book was awesome! I really liked Cress and she adds an interesting dynamic to our group of ragtag revolutionaries. I absolutely love that she is a genius computer hacker but still very feminine. I love all of the characters but Iko is my absolute favorite!
This book switches points of view often but very seamlessly. The story has a continuity not unlike that of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus books. It was awesome to connect small tidbits from the first two books to this one.
The plot of this is fairly fast paced. I could have easily read the whole thing in one sitting if I didn't have work early the next day. I found my self reading it every available moment I had which got me several weird looks at the grocery store while I was waiting in the checkout line.
Oh and the ending to this book! So good! I want to talk about it, but in the interest of keeping this spoiler free, I'm just going to say that I loved it! I'm sure my neighbors are wondering what was up with me both yelling and squealing at the book as I was finishing up.
I am so excited for the last book in this quartet! Hopefully this next year long wait goes more quickly than the last one.
Cress is another awesome addition to this amazing series! Bravo, Marissa Meyer. Bravo.
This book is a reread for me and I'd still rate it 4.5 stars. I really really like this book! It's the first book that has ever made me cry. I enjoyed how the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty was used in the telling of the story. It's a very haunting and dark story that I did not expect when I first picked it up.
My favorite quote in this book is:
“Stories," he'd said, his voice low and almost husky, "we are made up of stories. And even the one's that seem the most like lies can be our deepest hidden truths.”
Such a good book! There is content in this book that people who are more conservative will object to and not like.
I finished this book over a week ago and I still have no words that can adequately convey my love for this book!
Riordan is a master of continuity throughout this whole series. We meet people again in this book that we haven't seen since the 2nd or 3rd book of the main Percy Jackson series. And I am super impressed that Riordan can switch so flawlessly between POVs.
OMG! The things that happened in Tartarus! Tartarus is up there with the Hunger Games on the list of places I never want to go to. And Leo! I can't even. That was such a surprise and may have been my favorite part of the book. Oh and Frank! I loved his character development! Also, Hazel can kick trash! Oh! And Bob! This is the extent to which I can express my feelings.
This book was super intense and delightful. It only has increased my love of these books! Now to wait a year for the next one...
PS Can we all just admire the dedication at the first of the book? This is why I love this author.
My feelings about this book are complicated like most people who have finished it. The first part was a little slow developing but I had no trouble reading it. There were times that I wanted to slap the characters (Four, I'm looking at you!).
Overall, I enjoyed the book even with its ending. The ending left me devastated but I thought it followed the storyline and fits with what we know of the characters and their personalities. I'll be honest, I figured this would happen. Just think about it people. Think about the previous books.
Will I be rereading this one? Probably not. Would I have enjoyed it more if it had had a happier ending? Probably. But overall I am satisfied with how it ended.
This book was so much fun! I loved it! It is along the same vein as some of my favorite books like the Mairelon the Magician series and the Kate and Cecilia books by Patricia Wrede.
This book is very much Austenesque but it added what I always thought was missing from Jane Austen's books, magic. Jane is everything a lady should be in this version of Regency England except that she is plain. Her sister, Melody, is annoying and so is her mother. But I love Jane's Father! He is always kind to Jane where her sister and mother are inclined to forget her. It was adorable to see the pains he went through to make sure she felt cared about.
I liked that Jane is very intelligent. But I wish she would have stood up to her sister and mother more often. I liked the inclusion of the magic system. The glamours are interesting and I can't wait to see where Kowal goes with this. I also love that she made this magic more of a "womanly art" and then went and introduced Vincent who is a very proficient male glamourist.
I have no words for the amount of love I had for this book and I can't wait to read the rest of the series.
The end is near for this series. I've thoroughly enjoyed each book even if they are somewhat predictable. We're all allowed our guilty pleasure reads, right?
I love all the characters and I'll be sad to see them go. I'm glad that the author is starting another spin-off series and we've been told we can expect appearances from the warriors.
This book is centered around Phelan who is full of contradictions. I've been interested to see where he has been since he escaped Cairn Toul. But he's not the one who stole the show for me. I love Aisley. She is one of those tormented characters that you just have to root for. I thoroughly enjoyed their stories. I was also pleasantly surprised that Donna Grant has started to introduce more paranormal creatures and mythologies into this series. It is probably to prepare for the spin-off but it is certainly enjoyable.
You know those books that suck you into the story and keep you thinking about them long after you finish them. This book was that for me. It meet my high expectations and then proceeded to blow them out of the water. This book is about superheroes and super villains and the question about of what kind of person super powers make you. The characters are complex. The writing is intelligent and very quotable. The story is super enjoyable and not predictable.
Victor and Eli are in my mind like Tony Stark and Bruce Banner from The Avengers but with a falling out.They are those friends that are similar yet opposite in so many ways but are joined together by the unifying bands of science and the pursuit of knowledge. They are perfectly imperfect characters that had me hooked from the first page. Not only were they great but all the side characters are wonderfully complex as well.
This book is definitely my favorite of the year so far and has moved into the ranks of one of my favorite books ever. Words don't do the awesomeness contained in this book justice. All I can say is GO READ IT! You won't be disappointed.