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Jessie Reads Everything

Book Nerd. Superhero Enthusiast. Science Geek. Space Junky. Full-Time Whovian. Harry Potter Generation. Fangirl Extraordinaire. This is me and I believe that there should be no empty shelves.

Currently reading

Glamour in Glass
Mary Robinette Kowal
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Kevin Hearne

Dragon Slippers

Dragon Slippers - Jessica Day George Oh my heavens!!! Why have I not heard of this book before now? It reminds of some of my favorite books by Patricia Wrede with a little Robin Mckinley thrown in and a hint of something else which I'll attribute to Jessica Day George. I love all the characters! I'm a sucker for a strong heroine but throw dragons in there and I'm a goner. This book is so good! I couldn't put it down. Creel is a farm girl who unconventionally strikes out to make it on her own. She befriends dragons and a prince along with some rather enjoyable seamstresses and a bodyguard. This is book is all about her adventures in being friends to dragons and to own her own dress shop. I'm so glad that there are a few more because the ending left me hanging!